June 15, 2024

7 nov 1820 ano - Election of 1820


An election in which incumbent Democratic-Republican James Monroe won re-election unopposed. The election took place during the Era of Good Feelings, during which there was only one dominant political party, the Republicans. Monroe once again ran with Daniel D. Tompkins. Due to his lack of opposition, Monroe carried every state, with a near-unanimous victory. The lone dissenter was William Plumer, a faithless elector from New Hampshire, who voted for John Quincy Adams. He believed Adams to be a better president, but a legend emerged that he dissented in order to keep George Washington as the only president to be elected unanimously. Notably, one elector each from Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee died before the election, costing those states a vote each.

Main issues: slavery
Voter Turnout: 10.1%
Significance: Third and final election in which a candidate ran unopposed
Last election of a president from the Revolutionary generation
Largest landslide victory next to Washington's
Largest post-12th Amendment landslide victory
First post-Washington election in which the Federalists did not field a candidate

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


7 nov 1820 ano
~ 203 years ago
