June 15, 2024

30 out 1812 ano - Election of 1812


An election in which incumbent Democratic-Republican James Madison was re-elected, defeating Federalist DeWitt Clinton. Northern Republicans wanted someone other than a Virginian to be their nominee, so they rallied first behind Vice President George Clinton, then his nephew DeWitt. The schism grew when the New York caucus nearly unanimously voted for Clinton for nominee, as it was filled with Republicans opposed to the new War of 1812 started by Madison. Nevertheless, Madison was elected the nominee, though not by the landslide expected from incumbents. The Federalists originally planned on running John Marshall, but with so much support for Clinton in New York they could not count on a victory there, which could result in a 3-way tie. This would put the election in the hands of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, who would surely vote in Madison. Eventually, Clinton was voted in as nominee, though there was much bitter debate and disagreement from various states, such as Virginia, who voted for Rufus King in the primaries instead. Less emphasis was put on the campaigns in this election, with the war taking the spotlight. Madison swept the South, while Clinton took New England (except for Vermont). The election came down to New York and Pennsylvania, both of which Clinton needed to win. He won in his home state of New York, but lost Pennsylvania and the presidency to Madison.

Main issues: War of 1812
Voter Turnout: 40.4% (record)
Significance: First election in which New York controlled the most electoral votes (taking over from Virginia)

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30 out 1812 ano
~ 211 years ago
