June 15, 2024

10 jan 1789 ano - Election of 1789


An election that placed George Washington as the 1st president. It was the first election in the country's history under the Constitution, which had only been ratified several months before the election. As such, North Carolina and Rhode Island were ineligible to vote, as they had not yet signed the Constitution. New York also refrained from voting due to being unable to select electoral delegates in time. Due to his popularity, Washington ran virtually unopposed, though there were still contenders for vice president, which the Constitution stated would be the runner-up in the election. Every delegate cast one of their two votes for Washington, guaranteeing his the presidency. John Adams received the second highest number of votes, giving him the position of vice president.

Main issues: none
Turnout: 11.6%
Significance: First presidential election
First election in which the victor won every state

Electoral Votes:
George Washington (I): 69
John Adams (F): 34
John Jay (F): 9
Robert H. Harrison (F): 6
John Rutledge (F): 6
John Hanock (F): 4
George Clinton (A-F): 3
Samuel Huntington (F): 2
John Milton (F): 2
James Armstrong (F): 1
Benjamin Lincoln (F): 1
Edward Telfair (A-F): 1

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 jan 1789 ano
~ 235 years ago
