June 15, 2024

1 jan 985 ano - Bjarni Herjólfsson discovers Vinland


After Erik the Red set upp colonies in Greenand in 892, he remained their for three yeasr until his exile expired. When he returned to Iceland, he hoped to attract more settlers there, and even called it "Greenland" in order to make the land seem more appealing (though Greenland was actually anything but green). He convinced 25 sips to embark with him in 985. The journey waas periolus, with only 14 making the complete trip. One of these ships contained Bjarni Herjólfsson, a merchant who was blown off course on his way to Greenland. After three days, he discovered land west of Greenland, an area that would later be known as Vinland (modern day Newfoundland). While he didn't explore it and soon rejoined the fleet, he later described the incident to Erik the Red's son, Lief Erikson, who would establish a settlement there in 1000.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 985 ano
~ 1040 years ago