June 15, 2024

30 jun 2016 ano - Transgenders can serve in the U.S. Military


The Pentagon ended the ban on transgender people being able to serve openly in the U.S. military.

The announcement -- which removed one of the last barriers to military service by any individual -- was made by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who had been studying the issue for almost a year.

The decision came as the military has witnessed major changes in the role of women and the inclusion of gays, lesbians and bisexual service members in recent years.

Transgender service members will also receive the same medical coverage as any other military member -- receiving all medical care that their doctors deem necessary -- according to Carter.
For current members of the military, the coverage will include hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery if doctors determine that such procedures are medically necessary.

Incoming service members must be "stable" in gender identity for 18 months before joining the military.

"We don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who can best accomplish the mission. We have to have access to 100% of America's population."

Capt. Sage Fox, a U.S. Army Reserve officer who transitioned in 2012, voiced her support for lifting the ban.

"This is about equality, about civil rights ... about recognizing the decency of human beings, that we are all equal and that gender is not a barrier to service," she told CNN.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


30 jun 2016 ano
~ 7 years and 11 months ago

