June 15, 2024

9 jun 1732 ano - Province of Georgia founded


The Province of Georgia (named after King George II of England) was charted to General James Oglethorpe, a wealthy Brit who desired to create a safe haven for those who had been imprisoned for debt. The British government also supported the creation of the colony because they wanted a buffer between South Carolina, one of the most lucrative continental British American colonies due to its rice cultivation, and Spanish Florida. However, once the colonists started arriving, they became discontented with the strict laws enforced by Oglethorpe. He banned both liquor and slavery, both of which the colonists desired. In an attempt to placate them, Oglethorpe granted the colonists the power of self-government, which they used to legalize slavery in 1751, along with establishing an elected assembly. Georgia would later go on to become a royal colony in 1752.

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9 jun 1732 ano
~ 292 years ago