June 15, 2024

2 fev 1925 ano - Mortimer Adler


1921 at Columbia
Mortimer Adler studied here in the 20's, was taught by Dewey

faculty: 1923-29


"Adler's Great Books passion was nurtured at Columbia. Deciding upon a career as a philosopher at age 17 after reading Plato's Dialogues, he attended Columbia College on scholarship, finishing the four-year program in three years, but not graduating because he refused to take the required swimming test. He then entered Columbia's graduate school, where his teaching duties over five years included co-teaching, with Mark Van Doren, a section of General Honors [invented by Erskine in 1921]"

From NYT Obit:
"Although a top student at DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx, he dropped out at 15 and became the secretary to the editor of The New York Sun. Two years later, after reading Plato, he decided to become a philosopher. He completed the four-year program at Columbia University in three years but failed to graduate because he refused to attend physical education classes and take a required swimming test.

"Degree or no degree, he was appointed an instructor in psychology in 1923 and five years later earned a Ph.D. with a dissertation on the measurement of music appreciation. While a lecturer at Columbia, he also lectured at City College and at the People's Institute, where he was an assistant director from 1927 to 1929."

"In 1983, Columbia waived its swimming requirement and awarded Dr. Adler a bachelor's degree. The same year, DeWitt Clinton High School gave him a diploma. He was awarded honorary doctorates by 10 colleges and universities, and in 1990 he was awarded the Charles Frankel Prize by the National Endowment of the Humanities."


Adler continued to do great books discussions until he died in 2001! Seriously! Angelicum tutors were discussing with him in San Mateo, CA in 2000

Cover of Time Magazine in 1952 due to promotion of democracy work

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

7 out 2022


2 fev 1925 ano
~ 99 years ago