June 15, 2024

7 nov 1637 ano - Anne Hutchinson trial


Anne Hutchinson was a woman described as bold-spirited who had unconventional ideas of religion in the dominantly Puritan Massachusetts Bay. Hutchinson believed that Puritan ministers' methods of determining the status of one's salvation or damnation was based on their attendance of church, which was not valid. She held radical beliefs, like that she was a prophetess that God spoke to directly, and that God would destroy both Boston and England. She began holding meetings in her house of several dozen people, usually women, to discuss sermons. Leading Puritans like John Winthrop deemed her to be a threat to society and placed her on trial for Antinomianism (the belief in one's own judgement over that of the church) and sedition (expressing opinions dangerous to authority and the social order). They were also upset that she was not behaving like the typical woman for the time, being outspoken and rebellious instead of quiet and submissive. Though Hutchinson defiantly debated the interpretation of certain Bible passages during her trial, the Puritans remained unconvinced and exiled her and her followers from Massachusetts. They moved to Westchester in modern-day New York, but were killed soon after in a war with Native Americans. The trial demonstrated how individual interpretation of the Bible often led to criticism of the church, which prominent Puritans feared.

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7 nov 1637 ano
~ 386 years ago