April 1, 2024

15 ago 33 ano antes da era comum - Fortification at Bountiful


In this third year the Lamanites continued to press their advantage. By the end of the year they had conquered all lands south of Bountiful.
Bountiful was near the narrow neck of land that separated the Land North from the Land South. It went from the Sea East to the Sea West, and was a day and half travel along this border. The Nephites had retreated from the Lamanites for the past three years until this southern border of Bountiful was the last defense for those in the Land North.

Here Moronihah fortified the entire border and for the first time was able to hold the Lamanites back. However, he did not dare to attack the Lamanites at this time. He knew the Nephites had lost because of their wickedness and that they would not be able to defeat the Lamanites. But he did hold the line here.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 ago 33 ano antes da era comum
~ 2059 years ago