April 1, 2024

29 set 46 ano antes da era comum - Cement


It was in this time that cement is first mentioned in the record. As cement structures have been found from this period all over the south western United States, it is likely that at this time the migration moved farther north than the previous migration had, beginning to cover the areas of Arizona, New Mexico, and into California.

One thing that is spoken of in some detail in lack of trees in this place, caused by the destruction of the Jaredites. Because of this lack of trees the land was called Desolate, much as the great plains of North America were originally called the Great North American Desert because they had no trees.
However, despite the lack of trees the groud is described as being exceedingly fertile (just like the great plains) and that the Nephites began a program of conservation, in which no tree was cut down in this part of the land, but was nurtured that the forests might be re-established.
Because of this all timber that was used was shipped in from other places, or buildings were made with cement.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


29 set 46 ano antes da era comum
~ 2072 years ago