April 1, 2024

20 maio 63 ano antes da era comum - Battle of Cumeni


After the Nephites had taken possession of the City of Cumeni, they found it very difficult to maintain the many prisoners they now had. As the city was simply surrendered the entire Lamanite army was now their prisoners.
On top of this, the Nephites likely gave the Lamanites food and cared for them. So, while they were in a weak condition when they surrendered, they likely grew stronger over time.

So, it was not long before the Lamanites prisoners began to harass the Nephites, attacking with stones and sticks, or anything else they could get a hold of. Many who had surrendered in the past were now killed in these minor skirmishes.
Realizing that they did not have sufficient provisions or strength to keep the prisoners, Helaman ordered them to be taken to the Land of Zarahemla. A small band of Nephites, led by a man named Gid, took command of them and headed out.

The day after the prisoners had left a fresh Lamanites army came against the city of Cumeni, and they soon started to gain the upper hand. However, the 2,060 sons of Ammon fought with faith and courage and the record credits them with holding the city until help arrived.

Now, when the Lamanite prisoners heard rumors that a new army had come against they city, they were emboldened to try to escape. They ran as a body against the Nephites, and while most were killed, many did escape.
Gid, seeing that they could not overtake those prisoners who escaped, turned his small army back to the city and turned the battle against the Lamanites.
Thus the sons of Ammon and the army of Gid saved the City of Cumeni.
While all 2,060 of the sons of Ammon had received many wounds, and 200 had fainted from the loss of blood, none of them died in the battle.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 maio 63 ano antes da era comum
~ 2089 years ago