June 15, 2024

14 h 15 out 2004 ano - Rick and Carl talk about Ben, Eugene isn't a scientist. (Issue 67)


- Day 454
- Rick and Carl search for supplies in the area. Loads of roamers have caught up with them and are getting closer. Carl asks if they'll hear them because of all the fallen leaves but Rick doesn't think so.
- Carl hopes the others have found more food than them because he hates oatmeal. Rick teases him about pizza. They haven't had a chance to talk over the past few weeks so Rick uses this time to ask Carl why he killed Ben. Carl tells him he did it for the same reason Rick does everything, because it needed to be done and nobody else would. Rick reminds him that even though they're good people, these things are still bad things and should never become easy.
- Carl cries every night and sometimes has trouble keeping himself from breaking down during the day. He loves Rick for everything he does to keep him and everyone else safe, he had to kill Ben because it was something neither Rick or Abraham could do. They hug and then return to the group.
- Andrea talks about how she doesn't see the point in killing roamers anymore when Rick and Carl return to the group with next to nothing. Glenn is pissed because nobody else has found much of anything either. Rick and Carl have a jar of oatmeal, two cans of soup and an opened bottle of water. The others have some peanut butter crackers where the wrapper looks to be chewed by a mouse, and Michonne found a fruit cocktail and some other cans from a house. Luckily they still have a bit of food left, mostly rice they found last week.
- Rick asks Eugene when he last checked the radio. Eugene says he checked about a day or two ago but Rick wants to check it again because of how close they are to Washington now. Eugene wants to wait another day to conserve the battery but Rick insists on checking it for just a second. He goes over to the truck to get it with Eugene panicking behind him, Abraham notices this, Eugene comes up behind Rick and tries to grab the radio off him in case he breaks it. During the struggle Rick accidentally drops the radio onto the floor which pops the battery compartment open however no batteries fall out. He asks Eugene why there aren't any batteries and he explains how they ran out a few weeks ago but he didn't want to worry anyone. Rick goes on to ask if there were ever any batteries. Eugene tells him there weren't.
- Abraham kicks Eugene in the stomach for lying to him all this time and starts furiously beating him. Eugene never worked for the government, he was a high school science teacher. Rick steps in between them before Abraham can kill him. Eugene apologises for lying and explains that he can't survive on his own and isn't useful or brave. He is however, a great liar and very smart, but that's it.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 h 15 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
