April 1, 2024

21 mar 630 ano antes da era comum - Lehi and Sariah are married


The marriage of Lehi and Sariah is practically pure speculation. I estimated it based on the estimated age of Lehi and his sons when they left Jerusalem.
I give it in this timeline as a way to help the viewer orient the lives of Lehi and his family to the Biblical events of the period. I believe that when we look at this more complete picture of their lives we can come to understand them better, and thus gain a better understanding of their words in scripture.

In my estimation here Lehi and Sariah are already married at the time that Josiah instituted his reforms. I believe that it would have been about this time, though it could have been up to five years before or after.
Regardless, they were likely among the many who were converted at this time, and the same is likely true of Ishmael and his wife.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 mar 630 ano antes da era comum
~ 2656 years ago