June 15, 2024

23 jun 906 ano - Etëra Iopon House Velcmæn is Chosen as the Dukes of Southern Oipientia


The Lords and nobles of the House of Velcmæn of Thes did not go against Oipientian occupattion of Etera Iopo. They would be the longest and most influential house in Southern Oipienta. They eventually declared independence from the Javician Empire and formed the Velzen Empire. The term Velzenia or Velzen is a corrupted version of Velcmæn (Velkmen) and is sued to describe the Southern Oipientian region and/or something related or from there.

The Velcmæns hated the Karmæns as they had been humiliated by King Rinydan Karmxak fro chosing Masiv Korantsuf instead of Elëdf Velmxak as a wife.

With the incorporation of the lands of the Kingdom of Etëra Iopo, the Duchy of Southern Oipienta, renamed to Etëvapenta, was expanded to include all of the new territories. However, there was conflict in the former Southern Oipienta duchy areas, now called Lower Oipienta, about being controlled by an Etëra lord. This pushed King Cruchĩv the Second to create the Earldom of Lower Oipienta that was under his own direct vassalage instead of the new Duchy of Etëvapenta.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


23 jun 906 ano
~ 1118 years ago
