June 15, 2024

22 h 3 set 2004 ano - Michonne talks with Morgan, Andrea prays for Dale. (Issue 64)


- Day 412
- Morgan asks Michonne if she thinks people are out there. Michonne wan't listening and asks him what he said but it wasn't important. They make small talk.
- Glenn and Maggie put Sophia to bed.
- Andrea starts praying for Dale, Abraham sarcastically asks Rick how long she is going to keep that up to which he responds with as long as she needs. Abraham didn't mean to upset Rick and goes to apologise before saying that they're not going to find Dale and he is likely long dead. This further angers Rick who leaves to put Carl to bed.
- Abraham is annoyed at himself for pissing off Rick, who he has come to respect, twice. Gabriel hands out spare blankets and gives one to him and Rosita.
- Rick sends Carl to bed and goes over to comfort Andrea who is crying. She tells him how at first her and Amy were just playing around with Dale for protection. Only after Amy died, Dale was the one who was always there for her, because that's the type of guy he was. And afterwards she fell in love with him, however he never believed her and would always talk about how old he is. Now she will never get to tell him how she truly felt. Rick tells her he already knew.
- Andrea asks Rick if he killed Ben which shocks him. He tells her he believes it might have been the right thing to do, however he didn't do it and doesn't know who did.
- Later that night, while Rick is asleep, Carl cries to himself at the front of the church. Morgan asks Carl if he wants to talk about anything (knowing that he killed Ben) Carl tells him he had a bad dream and hurries off to bed.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


22 h 3 set 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
