April 1, 2024

4 jan 1614 ano - Henry Mainwaring Takes on the Fishery


Henry Mainwaring, a fellow privateer tturned pirate, is comissioned to track down Peter Easton following his attacks on Spanish shipping. When he arrives in Newfoundland, he heard about the pardon and meets Whitbourne. He turns to small-scale piracy, refusing to attack English ships. His activities are overooked by the crown despite his disturbance of peace, and he moves into the harbour Grace to refortify Easton's base. His fleet of 8 ships takes on the fishery, and him and Richard spend a lot of time together. Richard promises a pardon for Henry as well, and Henry leaves for his raid with 400 sailors and takes a Portuguese ship, raiding other ships, before being offered a pardon from both England and Spain. He accepts a pardon in 1616 and writes a discourse on piracy, talking about the life, Newfoundland as a hotspot, and the desperation from low wages that leads to piracy. He is knighted in 1618 and elected a member of parliament. This is one of the last times we see piracy until the golden age.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

19 dez 2018


4 jan 1614 ano
~ 410 years ago