June 15, 2024

16 mar 2018 ano - BECAME BOYZ W UR GRANDMA


I can not begin to describe to you the embarrassment I felt when I introduced myself to your grandma by saying "hola". I could have sworn you told me she only spoke Spanish but it's fine i'm over it. Adrian laughed at me when I said that. Your mom wore that white sweater i'm obsessed with that day. Anyway we went to your game and I sat with your whole family which was really scary. You weren't in a very good mood after but you started to cheer up after we left. We went back to your house after and again you left me to go shower and this time your grandma was there too. This time wasn't as bad because your grandma just told funny stories the whole time but I wish I could have contributed to the conversation. Then we went to smelly sushi and the funny Chinese dude was flirting with your grandma lowkey and when he walked away she called him a chino and some other shi in Spanish and it was rly funny.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


16 mar 2018 ano
~ 6 years and 2 months ago
