June 15, 2024

19 h 32 m, 21 jul 1878 ano - HIV/AIDS


• Facts
o Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
o Retrovirus: genetic information for its replication becomes permanent integrated in the cells of the DNA host)
o If HIV not treated=AIDS
o Men who have sex with men, People who inject drugs, sex workers, children, prostitutes, transgender, women, and adolescents
o Emerging disease
o GRID: The public thought the gay community started the outbreak and named in “gay related immunodeficiency disorder)
o T cells are activate other immune cells “Party planner”
o Lazarus Effect
• Symptoms/Transmission: Blood-borne pathogen
o Sexual intercourse dye to
o Needles/syringes
o Mother to child
o Blood transfusion
o Low white blood cells=weak immune system
o Can lead to Candida esophagitis, pneumocystis carinii, toxoplasmosis, mycobacterium avium complex, Cryptosporidiosis, Cryptococcal meningitis, Cytomegalovirus infection
• Historical Events
o 1900s: HIV went from chimpanzee to humans
o 1968: First documented AIDS case in the US
o 1980-1982: AIDS organization was launched and was the start of the US epidemic
o 1983: Causative Agent found
o 1921: Patient zero led to 60,000,000 infections, and 25,000,000 deaths
o 2006: African Aids Epidemic
o 1980: Recognized as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
♣ Outbreak in New York that killed thousands
o 1985-86 AZT: reduce replication of HIV and improve immune system
o expensive
• Not eradicated, but is a chronic and manageable disease
o ART: slow down process
o PrEP : Pre-Exposure Prophalaxis is a daily pill regimen that if taken consistently, can protect users from contracting HIV through sex or used needles. The drug creates a protective shield around T-cells. This shield repels HIV, preventing it from replicating.
o Condoms and modify sexual behavior

Picture Reference: HIV/AIDS Lecture Slides

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 dez 2018


19 h 32 m, 21 jul 1878 ano
~ 145 years ago
