June 15, 2024

29 dez 1890 ano - Wounded Knee Massacre


An attack by the US 7th Cavalry Regiment against the Lakota tribe on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near Wounded Knee River, SD. Americans were nervous about the Ghost Dance religious movement that was taking Native Americans by storm, seeing it as a threat. The 7th Cavalry Regiment arrived at the reservation to confiscate the Native Americans' guns to prevent any 'hostilities.' During this confiscation, a Native American named Yellow Bird started to make the soldiers feel uncomfortable by orating about and performing the Ghost Dance. Meanwhile, the soldiers began to become aggressive towards another Native American named Black Coyote, as he was deaf and did not know what the soldiers were demanding. Despite protests from other Native Americans, the soldiers believed him to be resisting defiantly. Black Coyote's rifle accidentally discharged, leading to the soldiers firing in retaliation. As most Native Americans were disarmed, they stood little chance against the soldiers. This event marked the end of the many wars and conflicts fought between the Europeans/Americans and Native American tribes.

150-300 Native Americans killed
51 Native Americans wounded
31 US soldiders killed
33 US soldiers wounded

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


29 dez 1890 ano
~ 133 years ago