June 15, 2024

29 jun 1982 ano - Voting Rights Act of 1982


1. What is it?
The Voting Rights Act of 1982 is an amendment to the Voting Rights Act of 1975.

2. When did it happen?
June 29th, 1982

3. Who was involved?
- Ronald Reagan- For the most part, his administration stayed out of the discussions. Further into the debates, however, they said that they wanted a 10 year extension on the act, even though the Senate wanted to extend it by 25 years.

4. Where did it happen?
Washington DC

5. One major cause
The expiration of the Voting Rights Act had once again come. Groups like the NAACP and the National Education Association hoped that Congress would extend the special provisions and expand on the ban for discriminatory voting laws.

6. One major effect
Changes to Section 2 of the act lead to a change in the sort of lawsuits made relating to the Voting Rights Act. A previous court case that dealt with Section 2, which refers to a general ban on discriminatory voting practices, said that laws with a discriminatory purpose were unconstitutional. However, laws with a discriminatory effect were not unconstitutional. Therefore, Congress felt pressured to amend Section 2. Even though Reagan was against a change that would ban laws with discriminatory effects, the reformed bill was able to pass through Congress. This lead to lawsuits brought under the Voting Rights Act relating more to Section 2 rather than Section 5.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


29 jun 1982 ano
~ 41 years ago