June 15, 2024

17 maio 1954 ano - Brown v Board of Education


1. What is it?
The Supreme Court decided that separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional; it overturned part of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling.

2. When did it happen?
Argued December 9th, 1952
Re-argued December 8th, 1953
Decided May 17th, 1954

3. Who was involved?
- Plaintiffs of Brown- consisted of parents on behalf of their children who were against racial segregation.
- Topeka NAACP- this branch of the NAACP recruited the plaintiffs to be a part of the case
- Topeka Board of Education- wanted to keep segregated public schools in existence

4. Where did it happen?
The case began in Topeka, Kansas.

5. One major cause
The Plessy v. Ferguson decision had created a precedent that had been respected for decades. However, "separate but equal" was not fair to African American students in public school because their schools were not equal to the white public schools. The NAACP felt they had to pursue a case to try and desegregate schools.

6. One major effect
This ruling, a big success for the Civil Rights Movement, helped lead to integration. Without this landmark case, the Civil Rights Movement would have most likely not been able to develop into the large movement it would eventually become.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


17 maio 1954 ano
~ 70 years ago