June 15, 2024

14 h 29 ago 2004 ano - Rick, Carl and Abraham take an interstate to Rick's home town. (Issue 57)


- Day 407
- After clearing some wreckage, Andrea and Dale talk about getting a new vehicle to live in. Andrea doesn't want another RV because of the state of the last one. They settle on a pickup truck when they come to a stop.
- Glenn and Maggie asks about interstate 75 and if they should take it. They look over the map while Abraham raids a gas station. Eugene thinks its better if they keep going east until they hit 95 which will take them north to D.C.
- Rick wants to go back to his hometown in Cynthiana, Kentucky. Abraham asks him why and Rick tells him there are good people he wants to check up on there, there's also a locked up weapons closet in Rick's police station which he still has the keys to and hasn't been raided in a year (see day 123). The trip would take about one day there and one day back.
- Rick and Abraham agree to go there and take Carl with them for the trip. Dale wants to search the area for a better place to stay, they'll leave a note in the gas station. Michonne asks to go with them but Rick wants her to stay and look after everyone.
- They begin their trip.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 h 29 ago 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
