June 15, 2024

9 h 22 jun 2004 ano - The group leave on the road to Washington D.C. (Issue 54)


- Day 339
- Dale considers Abraham's offer with Rick. He doesn't know if they should go all the way to D.C. but still thinks they should tag along for a while. Rick doesn't want to be involved in decision making so Dale goes to ask the others.
- Glenn and Maggie cuddle on her old bed. Glenn asks her if she wants to leave to go to D.C. she tells him that she never wants to see her house again and wants to forget she ever had a family seen as she doesn't have one now anyway.
- The whole group helps pack their supplies and belongings into Abraham's cargo truck. Michonne asks to stay in Rick's car with them.
- Rick takes Carl to the side and asks him if he wants to stay with the group, he does, but if he ever changes his mind Rick tells him to let him know so they can ditch them, they might even be safer.
- The group finish loading up and begin their journey to Washington D.C. Glenn and Maggie travel on horseback, Rick, Carl and Michonne take the car whilst the others sit in the cargo truck.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


9 h 22 jun 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
