June 15, 2024

17 h 16 jun 2004 ano - A funeral is held for Penny, the Dupree family arrive at Woodbury. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 333
- A funeral is held for the little girl none of them ever met when she was alive. Her resting place is outside the walls under a large oak tree, away from any damage or walker attacks.
- A late 1990's Ford LTD comes down the road. Parents pull out weapons and everyone braces themselves for anything. Lilly can tell that the people are harmless and tells everyone to lower their weapons until they're in any immediate danger. The station wagon comes to a stop and a thin, malnourished man steps out. He asks Lilly if she can spare any food or water for him and his family. She comes a bit closer and he introduces himself as Calvin Dupree, his wife Meredith, and their three children Tommy, Bethany and Lucas.
- Lilly comes up with a better idea and invites them to stay in Woodbury.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


17 h 16 jun 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
