June 15, 2024

12 jan 2010 ano - Haiti is Hit by An Earthquake Followed by A Terrible UN Diseaster (Featuring Cholera)


The 7.0 magnitude earthquake left much structural damage, over 300,00 estimated dead, many more left homeless, and would inadverently lead to Haiti's cholera outbreak. Following UN soldiers coming to help, their waste ended up contaminating the water sources nearby, infecting the people of Haiti with cholera. Combined with bad sanitation following the earthquake and in general, water treatment being nearly nonexistent and people having no money or ability to get even the simple treatment for cholera, over 800,00 have been infected and over 10,000 have died since this epidemic started. Not helping was the UN who only took responsibility for their part in the epidemic in 2016 when then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized to the Haitian people for what happened.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 jan 2010 ano
~ 14 years ago