April 1, 2024

23 h 57 m, 30 jun 1860 ano - Gustav Mahler


Was an admirer of Wagner and a childhood friend of Wold’s.
Brilliant composer and conductor
Forged his musical style in Vienna, which was the center of the intellectual and artistic world
He worked with the most influential musicians and artists of his day; Strauss, Zemlinsky (composer, chromatic/lyrical), Schönberg, Berg, Webern, Dvorak, Hofmannsthal (librettist), Dehmel, and Klimt (painter). He was also married to Alma Schindler, one of the most influential women in Vienna
Was the musical director of the Vienna Statsoper, and later the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic

Des Knaben Wunderhorn
The first comprehensive anthology of German folk song
Collected by poets Brentano and arnim
Published in 3 volumes: Vol 1 1805, Vol. 2 1805 & Vol 3 1808
The texts dated from the Middle Ages to the present

Songs fall under 6 headings:
Sacred songs
Work songs
Historical songs
Love song
Drinking songs
War songs

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

3 dez 2018


23 h 57 m, 30 jun 1860 ano
~ 163 years ago