June 15, 2024

12 h 10 m, 14 jun 2004 ano - The Governor drives over the prison's fence. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 331
- The Governor hides and orders Gus Strunk to drive a truck into the woman which he does. He gets shot in the process and the car crashes into the side of the RV sending the woman flying off and setting the thing alight. The Governor celebrates which makes Lilly believe that he has finally lost it. Two soldiers die in front of him and he doesn't care because he believes they've almost won.
- Lilly and several other soldiers tells the Governor that they can't go on, and too many of them are being killed, at first he can't hear them but when he does he gets angry at the thought of giving up and climbs up the tank, he tells Jared to "just drive!" and the tank begins to move forward, mowing over any remaining biters in it's path. Then it crashes over the prison's outer fence. The inhabitants inside scramble for cover as the tank goes over the second and third fence.
- The remaining members of the Woodbury militia storm inside the prison, Tom Blanchford leads the group and orders the prison survivors to be put out of their misery. Austin helps Lilly up and they join the others inside.
- The Governor approaches three men shooting at a group of survivors, two men in riot gear and a woman. He orders Tom to go and check inside the prison for anyone hiding, and then kill them. Tom obliges. Philip spots the woman not fully hidden behind the wall, trying to convince the other two to make a run for it. He pulls out his Tec-9 and shoots her in the back of the head.
- The other two then make a run for it, the younger man takes a direct shot to the head and goes limp. This makes the older man (possibly his father) stop to help him up before realising he is dead and breaking into tears, oblivious to the danger around him. This makes Philip sick, the other soldiers stop shooting. Philip approaches one named Smitty and asks what the problem is. He is ashamed that he just killed a boy and breaks into tears. Philip tells him he should be proud because of how many that kid killed himself. Smitty gets himself together and moves on.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 10 m, 14 jun 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
