June 15, 2024

18 h 17 m, 13 jun 2004 ano - Michonne and Tyreese attack Woodbury, Dale, Andrea and a few others evacuate the prison, Tyreese is captured. (Issue 45) (Issue 46)


- Day 330
- Glenn asks Michonne and Tyreese if they want him to gas up a car for them. Michonne says it will draw noise and get them killed. Her and Tyreese leave the prison by foot, dressed in riot gear. Michonne hopes that the Governor hasn't left snipers or guards around to watch them.
- Dale tries to convince Lori and Carl to leave the prison with them. She insists on staying with Rick but Dale tells her that Hershel, Billy, Axel and Patricia wanted to stay behind and can watch him. Lori refuses to leave so Dale decides to take Sophia at least.
- Dale, Andrea, Billy, Ben and Sophia are about to leave the prison just to avoid the conflict. Glenn and Maggie join them because they want to start a family. Glenn gets their things whilst Maggie says goodbye to her father and brother. When they leave Hershel believes that he just saw Maggie for the last time. They place the grenade crates behind a row of cars. Hershel reassures the group that they've got God on their side to win.
- Michonne and Tyreese find a man peeing in a clearing. Michonne surprises him and decapitates his head between the ear and jaw.
- Another soldier wonders down and spots the two as they're trying to hide the body. Tyreese tackles him to the ground as the rest of the group arrive on the scene. Tyreese grabs Michonne and starts trying to run away but she stops him and they jump down into a ditch. The group loses track of them and searches for an endless minute, occasionally hearing sounds around them and fearing that biters are drawing near. Suddenly Michonne jumps up and attacks the group.
- Meanwhile Lori tells Carl about how Rick would stand up for his younger brother Jeff from bullies in school because that's the kind of guy he is. She begins to cry and is stopped by Rick who has now woken up. Alice gives Rick a pair of crutches and they go to look at the defences that have been set up.
- Alice tells Rick that Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie and the kids have left in the RV and Michonne and Tyreese went out to attack the Woodbury army. Rick loses confidence and no longer believes they can do this with the absence of of many.
- Gabe approaches the Governor with two men carrying a beaten and injured Tyreese. He explains how they were attacked and Eric and James were killed. He goes on to inform the Governor that Michonne ran away, so he "blew her fucking brains out". The Governor goes on to question him and make sure she's dead. Gabe calls over Gloria who hands him Michonne's sword. Gabe gives it to Philip as a trophy and apologises for her death not being as slow and painful as he would have liked.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


18 h 17 m, 13 jun 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
