June 15, 2024

7 h 30 m, 13 jun 2004 ano - They mourn their fallen friends and hold a small funeral. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 330
- Lilly and Austin stand over the seven collected bodies in the grave. She says their names, Johnny, Arlo, Ronny, Alex, Jake, Evan and then Andy which she didn't know. They all died to protect their community and to rid the world of evil.
- The Governor stands nearby with Gabe. He approaches and asks if they're done before shooting the bodies in the head to prevent reanimation. He makes a speech about how they're fighting a war for their community, their children, and their future. They'll keep coming at these monsters until they are rid from the earth.
- He orders Raymond Hilliard to pick a scouting team and try to spy on the survivors later tonight.
- He orders Earl and three others to stand guard on all sides whilst they're regrouping.
- He orders Lilly and 'Gorgeous' George to do an inventory check and find out how much ammo they have.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


7 h 30 m, 13 jun 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
