June 15, 2024

6 abr 1891 ano - 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles', T Hardy


the heroine, the daughter of a poor farmer is sent to work for a rich relative, Alec d'Urberville, who seduces her. Her child dies and she goes to work on a daity farm where she falls in love and marries Angle Clare, who abandons her when he leans of her former relationship with Alec. From then on T knows dire poverty and finally accepts to become Alec's mistress in order to survive. When Angel returns, repentant, she murders Alec and ends up hanged.
There is no heavenly justice in the novel; the world seems to be rued by uncaring gods who watch, amused, the fate of human beings. As the back flag goes up above the rpison at the end of the novel, H's comment is that 'Justice' was done, and the Preseident of the Immortals (in the Aaschylean phrase) had ended his sport with a Tess. The novel is structured like a classical tragedy, with mythological, biblical and archetypal references announcing the tragic ending. Belonging to the working class and being a oman, Tess is a double victim. The sexual mores of Victorian England, in particular its double standards and its limited conception of female purity, are also denouced, hence the subtitle of the novel, 'a pure woman faithfully presented', which was much criticized for making vice seem like virtue.
Both alienated from the land and defined by it, the characters are dwarfed by the vastness of nature, which amplifies their feelings. In the following paragraph, which describes the winter when Tess and her friend Marian work in terrible conditions at Flintcomb-Ash farm, the birds, which are nameless and can do nothing but endure, are morror-images of the two girls

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

17 nov 2019


6 abr 1891 ano
~ 133 years ago