June 15, 2024

5 h 13 maio 2004 ano - They find the National Guard station. (Issue 38)


- Day 299
- They stop off at Woodbury's Walmart and decide not to go any further. Axel goes outside to pee next to the RV and pisses directly onto a sign which gives directions to both Woodbury and the Guard station.
- Patricia asks Hershel about the farm which has greatly developed over the past few months. He apologises to her about losing Otis and she tells him that she misses everyone, the prisoners and even Allen who she didn't even know.
- They arrive at the National Guard station and split up to search for weapons and supplies. Tyreese asks Michonne if she's ok but she tells him not to bother her right now. Glenn almost runs over Tyreese in a large armoured truck which they can use to load up whatever they find.
- Axel finds a few crates of grenades. Andrea finds a tank and jokingly asks Michonne if anyone knows how to drive it.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


5 h 13 maio 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
