June 15, 2024

20 h 12 jun 2004 ano - Lilly finishes up preparations for the assault. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 329
- Lilly finishes loading the last of the high-capacity ammo magazines below the racetrack. As she leaves the Governor surprises her from the shadows. He tells her that he appreciates her whipping the town folk into shape and that they've got to be ready if they're going to ride out just before dawn.
- This surprises Lilly but she's on board with it. The Governor tells her that he wants her to drive the transport wagon and Gabe will drive the lead truck. He's going to be in the back of Lilly's wagon with the boys, and before they get to the prison they'll stop to have a word, then he'll ride in the tank.
- He asks how Austin is and tells Lilly that he knows about the baby because Bob told him. Lilly assures him that she's ok and ready for anything. They go their separate ways and prepare for war.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 h 12 jun 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
