June 15, 2024

7 nov 1796 ano - Election of 1796


An election in which Federalist John Adams beat Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson and became the 2nd president. This was the first contested election, as incumbent George Washington had decided not to run for a third term. It was the first true test to see if the republican voting system worked, as well as the first in which political parties played a major role. Federalists supported Vice President John Adams, while Democratic-Republicans rallied around former Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. The campaign was filled with bitter insults and accusations. Federalists accused the Republicans of supporting the French government, which was executing large numbers of people unjustifiably. Republicans linked Adams to the policies of Alexander Hamilton, another Federalist known for his pro-British sentiments and support for a powerful federal government. They also connected Adams to John Jay, another Federalist responsible for signing Jan eponymous treaty, which Republicans were upset was too good a deal with the British. Adams ran with former South Carolina Governor Thomas Pinckney as his running mate, while Jefferson picked New York Senator Aaron Burr. Adams was elected president, netting 71 electoral votes, one more than the 70 required to win. However, some delegates who voted for Adams cast their second vote for candidates besides Pinckney, resulting in Jefferson coming in second place and winning the vice presidency.

Main issues: Whiskey Rebellion, Jay's Treaty
Turnout: 20.1% (record)
Significance: First contested election
Only election in which the president and vice president were from opposing parties

Electoral Votes
John Adams (F): 71
Thomas Jefferson (D-R): 68
Thomas Pinckney (F): 59
Aaron Burr (D-R): 30
Samuel Adams (D-R): 15
Oliver Ellsworth (F): 11
George Clinton (D-R): 7
John Jay (F): 5
James Iredell (F): 3
George Washington (I): 2
John Henry (F): 2
Samuel Johnston (D): 2
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (D): 1

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


7 nov 1796 ano
~ 227 years ago
