June 15, 2024

6 h 30 m, 12 abr 2004 ano - Rick's group return to the now overrun prison. (Issue 34) (Issue 35)


- Day 268
- Alice asks how safe the prison is because despite hating the Governor and Woodbury, she could still sleep at night without worrying about an attack. Rick explains how roamers haven't broken through the first of three fences yet and the buildings and guard towers are sturdy. Alice asks about the name 'roamers' and they begin to explain how they started naming the two types. She thinks its stupid and that 'biters' is a much better term.
- They approach the prison and quickly bring the car to a stop when they realise the gates are open and dozens of roamers have broken inside. Glenn jumps back in the car and drives straight into the prison's wall to try and reach Maggie. Martinez clears a path to reach him and Alice goes to see if he's alright, which he is. Rick is grabbed by Otis who is half-devoured on the floor and shoots him.
- Dale and Andrea hear Rick and rush out the RV to greet him. Andrea asks about Rick's missing hand but he tells her he'll explain it later and asks what happened. Dale tells him that roamers breached the fence whilst they were helping Tyreese get inside and they've been waiting for an opening to the guard tower. The others escaped to C-Block and Hershel was bitten.
- They fight their way to C-Block whilst Andrea and Dale try to make it to a guard tower so she can pick off all the roamers. Hershel opens the door and is delighted to see the group back. He tells Rick that he's not bitten and just caught some friendly fire.
- Carl, Lori and Tyreese run in and greet Rick. Carl steps back for a moment at the site of Rick's missing hand and is promised that Rick wasn't bitten. Lori cries and asks what happened. Glenn goes to find Maggie. Rick tells them they should try and clean up the breach but Tyreese orders him to stay with his wife and son because he's disabled and only just got back.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 h 30 m, 12 abr 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
