June 15, 2024

31 jul 1820 ano - Missouri compromise 1820


The inclusion of Missouri as a state of the union was debated, as the north demanded it to be a free state (for slaves), while the south rallied for the opposite. In the House the North held the majority, but the Senate was overpoweringly filled with Southerners. In the end, Missouri was entered the union on the condition that slavery was banned above the 36° 60° line (longitude and latitude), and the counties that exist in present-day Maine entered the union as well but as free states. The Compromise overall extended the land belonging to the United States, and grew the country to be more powerful as it expanded its inhabitants and government to new lands. It also changed the regulations on slavery, and extended the amount of territory that was considered “free” and outlawed slavery, which geographically altered the United States and made it easier for slaves to become free people.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

18 nov 2018


31 jul 1820 ano
~ 203 years ago