June 15, 2024

26 ago 1588 ano - 'The Tragical History of Dr Faustus', Christopher Marlowe


typical of the Renaissance: hero's pride and unbounded ambition lead him to yield to the greatest temptation of all for a scholar: that of knowledge. F sells his soul to the devil. the most striking passage of the play occurs when F is torn btwn the yearnings of his intellect and senses and the law which he combats but can't escape. His useless resistance becomes heroic and is expressed with great poetic and rhetorical strength. F's attempts to transgress the divine order, to take his destiny into his own hands, marks the end of medieval times and birth of tragedy.

"the soliloquy, perhaps more than any other dramatic device, involved the audience in an imaginative concern with the happenings on stage". By having Doctor Faustus deliver these soliloquies at the beginning and end of the play, the focus is drawn to his inner thoughts and feelings about succumbing to the devil.

The theological implications of Doctor Faustus have been the subject of considerable debate throughout the last century. Among the most complicated points of contention is whether the play supports or challenges the Calvinist doctrine of absolute predestination, which dominated the lectures and writings of many English scholars in the latter half of the sixteenth century. According to Calvin, predestination meant that God, acting of his own free will, elects some people to be saved and others to be damned—thus, the individual has no control over his own ultimate fate

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

17 nov 2019


26 ago 1588 ano
~ 436 years ago