June 15, 2024

1 jan 1300 ano antes da era comum - The Exodus From Egypt Occurs


In the time of Thutmose 2, all of the Israeli male babies were being killed. Moses' real mother put him in a basket down the river in an attempt to save his life. When the basket got to the palace, the pharaoh's daughter found him. Moses grew up in the Pharaoh's household with his step-brother Ramses. When Moses found out that he really wasn't a Prince of Egypt, he ran away to find some answers. A few years later, he spoke to God. God was in the form of a flaming bush and told Moses to go back to Egypt to save His people. Moses obeyed and went to Egypt where he found that Ramses was pharaoh. Ramses was stubborn, but Moses was more stubborn. Eventually he sent the 10 plagues upon Egypt. Ramses finally gave in. All of the Israelites followed Moses when they came upon the Red Sea. Moses parted it, and they continued to the promised land.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1300 ano antes da era comum
~ 3326 years ago

