June 15, 2024

25 mar 1886 ano - Act to Amend the Act respecting Private Lunatic Asylums


Form A also for Private Asylums

«Section 1 (41): Every physician who signs any such certificate shall Facts to be specify therein that he has personally examined the person to whom such certificate relates, and that from such examination, and from the evidence adduced before him, he is of opinion that such person is a lunatic (or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of unsound mind) and a proper person to be confined in an asylum, and shall also specify in such certificate the fact or facts and the evidence adduced before him which led to such opinion, and he shall therein distinguish the facts observed by himself from facts communicated to him by others» (p. 201).
«Section 2: The proprietor or resident superintendent of every Report to be
licensed house shall, within five days after the admission of any lunatic, or of an insane or idiotic patient, or of a person of
unsound mind, to such licensed house, report to the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities for Ontario, the fact of such admission, together with copies of the certificates and papers upon which the patient was admitted, and shall at any and all times furnish to the Inspector such other reports and information relative to any such patient or patients as may be required by him» (p. 201).

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25 mar 1886 ano
~ 138 years ago