June 15, 2024

26 set 1859 ano - ACT respecting the Provincial Lunatic Asylum at Toronto


From the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada:

«Section 5: No person shall be received into the Institution as a Lunatic without a Certificate from three Medical Licentiates, signed and verified by the Reeve of the Township or Incorporated Village, or the Mayor of the City, or Incorporated Town from which the Lunatic may be sent, and in the absence of the Reeve or Mayor, by the Deputy or other person for the time being authorized to act in the place of the Reeve or Mayo» (p. 785).
«Section 6: Such certificate shall stat that the subscribing Medical Licentiates at the same time and in the presence of each other, examined the patient, and after due inquiry into all necessary facts relating to his case, found him to be a Lunatic, 16 V.c. 188, s. 7.» (p. 785).
«Section 7: Such Certificate shall be sufficient authority to any person to convey the Lunatic to the said Asylum, and to the authorities of the Asylum to detain him therein so long as he continues to be insane» 16 V.c. 188, s. 7.» (p. 785).

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


26 set 1859 ano
~ 164 years ago