June 15, 2024

8 jan 1815 ano - Battle of New Orleans


The last major battle of the War of 1812, between US troops led by Brevet Major General Andrew Jackson and British troops led by Major General Sir Edward Pakenham. Pakenham led his troops to take New Orleans, LA, as it was a valuable supply line for the US. Jackson quickly mustered a force of 4500 men, including US soldiers, militiamen, and just regular citizens. He faced Pakenham's 8000-strong force that had just finished fighting the Napoleonic War. Jackson first attacked at night, then fell back to Rodriguez Canal, where he had his men dig the canal still deeper and use the excess dirt to make a wall, which connected a large marsh to the Mississippi River. 5000 British troops led by Colonel Robert Rennie pushed through Jackson's defensive line, but was quickly cut down along with most of his men. Meanwhile. Jackson, gleeful to exact his revenge for being imprisoned by the British during the Revolutionary War, inflicted heavy casualties on Pakenham's forces, including Pakenham himself. The British lost 3 generals and 7 colonels among their dead.

It was a huge victory for the Americans, which elevated their national pride to unforeseen levels. They believed the war to be an American victory, though the Treaty of Ghent established it as a stalemate. Jackson became a national hero, which helped him to win the presidential election in 1828.

13 US troops killed
30 US troops wounded
19 US troops missing/captured

285 British troops killed
1265 British troops wounded
484 British troops missing/captured

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 jan 1815 ano
~ 209 years ago
