April 1, 2024

22 jun 1774 ano - Quebec Act Signed


The Quebec Act was passed in an attempt by the British to appease French settlers and prevent any unrest among them. Under the act, French boundaries were restored along with French civil law and religious freedom for the population.

This was considered one of many intolerable acts by the 13 Colonies, as the French were given territory that the Colonies had wanted to expand into, and that the British had granted rights to Catholics.

The Quebec Act played an influential role as one of the intolerable acts that had kicked off the American Revolutionary War, and the benefits given by the act had also been a large part of why Quebec refused to side with America, as it gave them far more benefits than American control would.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

Byk s
8 nov 2018


22 jun 1774 ano
~ 250 years ago