June 15, 2024

19 out 1781 ano - Surrender at Yorktown


Desperate to win the South, Cornwallis abandoned the Carolinas and moved for Yorktown, VA. Meanwhile, French troops had begun arriving in larger numbers, and they and Washington were ready for a big battle. Washington wanted to attack Clinton at New York, but the French convinced him to instead attack at Yorktown. The French sent a fleet of ships to the Chesapeake Bay led by Admiral Comte de Grasse. In the Battle of the Chesapeake on September 5, the French cleared the British Navy out of the Chesapeake. After that, the Americans and British laid siege to the city for a month before Cornwallis surrendered. More than 7000 British soldiers were captured, and was the last major battle of the war. After the defeat, support for the war in Great Britain was lost and peace negotiations began.

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19 out 1781 ano
~ 242 years ago