June 15, 2024

24 fev 1803 ano - Marbury v. Madison


A landmark Supreme Court case under Chief Justice John Marshall that established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review over federal laws. The conflict stemmed from the 1800 election, after which John Adams appointed several dozen loyal Federalists to judicial positions so his party could remain in power. The Senate quickly confirmed them, but were unable to get to all of them by the time Thomas Jefferson assumed office, leaving dispute over their validity. One of these was William Marbury, who filed a lawsuit against Jeffersonian Secretary of State James Madison, who had been instructed by Jefferson not to deliver Marbury's commission. The Court ended up ruling in Marbury's favor, but in the process struck a permanent blow to the Jeffersonians that favored weak central governments by assuming the power of judicial review, or the ability to review and strike down laws that do not comply by the Constitution.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


24 fev 1803 ano
~ 221 years ago
