June 15, 2024

1 h 33 m, 12 abr 2004 ano - Michonne tortures and mutilates the Governor. (Issue 33) (Issue 43 - Flashback)


- Day 268
- Michonne tells Philip to "Wake up asshole!". He suddenly becomes self aware and finds himself tied up and naked in the same position he had Michonne in, his penis is nailed to the board he's sitting on and he is terrified.
- Michonne teases his torture by showing him everything she is going to use on him: pliers, a hammer, an acetylene torch, a bent spoon, and a power drill. She starts with the drill and begins drilling a hole in his right shoulder, where all the nerves lie...
- Michonne tapes up Philip's arm and wakes him up again. She uses the pliers to pick off all the fingernails on his right hand. She then cuts off his arm with one swing of her katana. His penis detaches from all the movement. Before Philip bleeds out, she uses the acetylene torch to seal the wound.
- Once he wakes up again, Michonne sticks the bent spoon up his rectum and it gets stuck before she can pull it out. She then uses the spoon to scoop out his left eyeball which he can still see through. She throws up on the floor and begins to cry over what she's done. Someone starts banging on the door, trying to get in. She gets herself together and cuts off the rest of Philip's penis before unleashing Philip's biter daughter, Penny on the two guards as they burst in. She then escapes out the window and silently makes her way out of Woodbury.
- Gabe and Bruce freak out. Another goon named Jameson enters with a shotgun. Penny attacks Bruce and is about to get put down when Philip awakens and tells him not to kill her before becoming unconscious again. Jameson restrains Penny whilst Bruce goes downstairs to get Bob Stookey (the town drunk and the only person left in Woodbury with any medical training) so he can save his life. He drags Bob up to the Governor's apartment and orders him to do something. Bob finally brings himself to be able to look at the mangled body and tells them they need clean bandages, tape and some peroxide before they take him to the infirmary.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 h 33 m, 12 abr 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
