June 15, 2024

20 h 11 abr 2004 ano - Martinez helps Rick's group escape Woodbury. (Issue 31) (Issue 32)


- Day 267
- The Governor storms down the corridor towards Michonne's cell where Bruce and Gabe rest, injured and out of breath. He screams to them about having an agreement with her, he has to get new fighters and biters for the fights now.
- Stevens goes home to the night to nap and leaves Rick with Alice. They begin to talk and Rick asks if she's with Stevens. She tells him that Stevens is nice, but just too old for her and she's not looking for anyone anyway.
- She tells Rick that she was learning to become an interior designer in college but when the plague broke out she became a nurse because of how fast she can learn from Stevens. Rick misses Lori and tells Alice that she's pregnant.
- Suddenly Martinez bursts in and tells Rick he's helping them escape. They need to be quick because nobody knows what he's doing yet. Rick asks about the guards but then finds them knocked out inside one of the cells, with Glenn standing over them. They reunite. Glenn tells Rick they never asked him any questions and that he's been forced to listen to Michonne in the next cell.
- The Governor decides not to kill Michonne so he can think things over before doing anything. He goes home to rest.
- Alice comes after Rick, Glenn and Martinez and asks if she and Dr. Stevens can leave with them. Rick invites them to the prison.
- Martinez wanders up to Gabe who guards Michonne's cell. He asks to have a look at her because she seemed hot and knocks Gabe out. The group untie Michonne and ask her if she's alright. She takes a moment to get herself together and then storms out of there leading the others.
- They run into Stevens and asks him to come with them. He asks to quickly get some medical supplies and then he'll join them.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 h 11 abr 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
