June 15, 2024

17 h 11 abr 2004 ano - Martinez visits Rick, Michonne ruins the arena. (Issue 31)


- Day 267
- The Governor walks up the steps of the arena to watch the fight with Bruce and Gabe. A resident tells him it better be a good one and Philip assures him it will be.
- Martinez enters the infirmary looking for Dr. Stevens he asks Rick about his hand. Rick tells him it was 'an accident' Martinez puts his hand on Rick's shoulder and is grabbed by the collar. Rick blames Martinez for him and his friends being in this situation, because he handed them to 'that psycho'. Stevens arrives and breaks the two up. Martinez tells Stevens the Governor wants to make sure he's happy.
- Eugene Cooney and Michonne arrive on the field. They square up each other before Michonne quickly and effortlessly kicks him in the groin and then slices his head off.
- The spectators are silent. The Governor furiously stands up in the crows nest and orders Gabe and Bruce to rein in the biters and get her out of his site.
- Michonne begins slicing the heads off the biters with her katana. She takes them all out when Gabe and Bruce both tackle her. The crowd jeers and boos. One woman yells and curses the Governor for traumatising her kids.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


17 h 11 abr 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
