June 15, 2024

12 h 10 abr 2004 ano - Glenn is moved cell, the Governor makes him listen to Michonne's rape. (Issue 29)


- Day 266
- Glenn cries in his cell next to the infirmary. He wants to desperately go home. One of the Governor's men, Gabe opens his cell and tells him he's moving. He drags Glenn out who won't move and puts him in the cell next to Michonne's.
- The Governor enters and tells him he wants to question him. But before he does, he's going to break him down more. He punches Glenn in the face to make sure he's listening. Glenn asks him why he's going this and the Governor says to get what he wants.
- He enters Michonne's cell and asks her if she's 'ready for round two' and begins to brutally rape and beat her whilst Glenn is forced to listen in the next room. Glenn is reduced to a traumatised mess of tears.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 10 abr 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
