April 1, 2024

1 jun 2013 ano - Breaking out


Back in 2010, Joey made his own YouTube Channel, but never really posted on it. When they got out to LA and he was going out on his own, he started to film his adventures, just fun short updates about life.
He went back to Massachusetts and his mom got cleaned up again. They didn't fight and there was no drama. She even dyed his hair for him in the kitchen. He really got into the Hunger Games series and made a video with Luke and Meghan. By the time December hit he was Vloging everyday. Joey was beginning to lose interest in WinterSpringPro and getting more into his own channel.
Joey was approached by a website called Teen.com to be a host for their YouTube channel. This was a great opportunity, but in order to do this he had to sign his channel to Alloy. He did it and got to meet some big celebrities like Taylor Swift and Zac Efron.
Joey's channel was growing so fast he could barley keep up. Something that he had been putting of finally came, it was the end of WinterSpringPro. Brit understood and they stayed friends.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 nov 2018


1 jun 2013 ano
~ 11 years ago
