April 1, 2024

1 fev 1607 ano antes da era comum - Pharaoh Djederet II hides Hakotep's heart and mask (Osirion)


​Hakotep's successor, Djederet II, himself a priest of Nethys, learned of the sect's activities when he took the throne. Scandalized by the desecration of his predecessor's tomb by the Sacrosanct Order, Djederet hid away Hakotep's heart and mask to keep the order's misdeeds secret and to keep the pieces of Hakotep's soul apart so he could not return from death to take his revenge on those who had violated his body and soul.​

Hakotep's heart was taken to Sothis.​

​Hakotep's death mask was hidden away in a temple to Nethys called the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye in the newly founded city of Wati. To prevent Hakotep's heart and mask from ever being found and reunited, Djederet purged all written records of these events, and as the centuries passed, knowledge of Hakotep, his reign, and the locations of these stolen relics have been mostly forgotten.​

Source: Mummy's Mask AP

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

2 jan 2019


1 fev 1607 ano antes da era comum
~ 3633 years ago