June 15, 2024

4 h 43 m, 28 nov 2003 ano - Tent City falls, the gas station is ruined. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 132
- At 4:43 AM, Josh wakes up and sees a large fire in the distance. He hears car engines roaring over the hill and so do the others who are also now awake and standing in the doorway.
- A cadillac deville comes over the hill towards them and doesn't stop. They jump out of the way as another vehicle follows, spinning out of control. The first car takes out the gas station's front window and the front part of the roof. The second vehicle crashes into a fuel pump and catches fire. Thankfully the fuel pumps are empty or they would all be vaporised.
- They see a body rise up in the back window. Josh goes to get in Bob's car. They all get into the car and abandon their supplies in the wrecked gas station. They head north.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


4 h 43 m, 28 nov 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
